Friday 28 June 2013

Many people here know that a rift has developed between me and Phil Favale, Marshal of Rogue Militia, and owner of the Round Table Alliance facebook group, as well as some other Marshals of the Round Table Alliance. However, not many people have heard the whole story. Even Phil Favale doesn't know everything I've written in this post. So I decided to write it her so that people can better understanding my reasoning.

This story starts with 2 members from a league called A_Kanen's Rules, who were raiding 2 members from Phil Favale's league, Rogue Militia. Me, Phil, and some other Marshals agreed that they had to be taught a lesson. It got to the point where Rogue Militia, the Phoenyx leagues and various other leagues from the Round Table Alliance were raiding all the members in A_Kanen's Rules.. we felt we had to, because they had put up a league wall on the member who refused to stop raiding Phil's members, and this meant that they were getting defensive bonuses because of the league wall's defense points compared to players' offensive raids against it. So we felt we had to attack the source of the wall, that is, the rest of the members. Anyway, we attacked all of them, and some of the strongest members in our group even attacked the league wall and made some big dents in it. Finally, they took down the league wall. Based on my calculations, I believe it had already suffered a lot of damage and was getting to the point that we might be able to break through anyway. And ofcourse we were attacking everyone so they probably wanted some more defenses for their own castles.

So anyway, I still wanted to negotiate a peace treaty.. Phil would assign the various leagues targets, so when I got new targets I would try to talk to them.. Phil had already sent them messages, but in english.. this league was mainly Romanian, so I would send most of them messages in Romanian (I'd check their Facebook pages to try to ascertain what their main language was).  One time, I sent a message in Romanian to a woman.. I can't remember her name, but I think her icon was like a tongue. I explained why we were attacking her and her league members. She said "I don't talk, I run". And I felt really bad. I mean, I don't know if she contributed to the league wall. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. But the league wall had been taken down by this point.. I got the feeling that this was no longer a battle.. it was turning into a massacre.

So I told Phil and the rest of the Marshals in the War Council that I was no longer going to attack them. I also told them that I was going to -tell- members of K_Akanen's Rules that I was no longer going to attack them. If members from my leagues wanted to continue to attack them, that was up to them; I told that to the members of K_Akanen's Rules too. I also told them that I was going to leave my defenses at Richard's castles. This is one of the members that Rapuntzel and Liudvikas, the 2 members of K_Akanen's Rules who started it, had been attacking.

Phil had tried to persuade me not to tell them that I was going to stop attacking them. He felt that it would make his group look weak. I didn't believe this though. Once I published the message that I had sent A_Kanen's Rules members, he was also upset that I said that my defenses would be at Richard's. He felt that they would guess that all of the defenses were at Richard's. I told him if the cat cared if the mouse knew its defensive position. He said "this cat does", but he wasn't the cat. The group he led was the cat. Anyway, he said I had to leave his league page after I sent them that message, so I left.

After I sent that message, 2 of K_Akanen's Rules members left K_Akanen's Rules and joined my own league. One of them was Liudvikas. The other was Lewis Hendrix, who wasn't Romanian at all, and had had nothing to do with the league wall. He is now temporarily the Marshal of Phoenyx Keys while I manage Phoenyx Fire in Dennis Pollock's absence, as he is a very generous member and he of all people probably appreciated the mercy I gave his former league.